Sunday, December 12, 2010

At-Home Things You Can do to Prevent Acne

I know facial washes and skin treatments, are exspensive, but here are some things you can do at home that have a great deal of effect on getting rid of acne.
.Use you daily pyramid (above) to have all the nutrients you need in your body and your skin.
.Drink at least a gallon of water a day.
.sit in the sun (with NO make up on) for about ten to twenty minutes. This will bring heat and vitamin D into your skin to kill the oil and extra bacteria.
.DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE. Touching your face will irritate your skin.
.After school or work, if you know your not going somewhere, Take off your make up. It's good to get your pours open as much as posible.
.Dont look in the mirror. After you've taken your make up off dont look in the mirror you'll see blemishes and be tempted to pick or pop. DONT! just dont touch and it will fix on its own.

Use these sratagies, to clear up your skin, and not just one of them, cause all of them have to be together to make and improve your skin.

No, No Foods

Skin products, facial wash, and moisterizers can be exspendsive and questionable in it's effect, so I researched some ways you can help your skin without having to question the price or effect. Here are foods you absolutaly shouldn't eat all the time like,
•Fast foods
•Heavily processed foods (like TV-dinners or other ready meals)
.Sugar (especially soft drinks and candies)
•Refined flour (white bread, pasta, white rice, cakes, biscuits)
•Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt)
.Non-organic red meat

Its ok to eat them from time to time as in once a week, but if your eating fast food every other day and have acne this is the main reason why. And that is beacause, fattening foods contain oil and that oil places it's self into your skin were it can create break outs, and this also goes for soda and other fattening drink products.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Being, and Having Fun

My personality is fun, creative, playful, loud, funny, outgoing, and unique. I used to hide my personilty so no one would notice me and my face. I was worried that if someone saw a zit on my face they would think differenly of me. (boy was I wrong). As soon as I felt brave enough to come out and glow, People started noticing me and getting interested in me. I felt ok to come out even if i did have a zit somewhere on my face because its not about having a bad hair day or in my case a bad face day, it's about your image and how people recognize it. This is me and my personality (right).

Picking Acne

When You've popped a zit, somtimes it becomes a crusty top, or a scab. DONT PICK IT!!!! Picking a crusty scab over and over again might seem like the way to go, but over a week a picking that little scab will become a scar, and scars hardly ever go away. When you've picked a scab, it might look better at first, but it'll coem right back in a matter of 1 hour. I used to get little and big scabs on my face, I decided to let it heal on its own and get through it. In about 3 days no matter how large it was, it was totally gone! I just let it heal on it own and it went away a whole lot faster than scraping it off. After all skin is the fastest thing on your body to heal.

Acne cover-up

Although, acne might be clunky and red, make up is never the answere. True it might cover up redness and hide the blemishes, but it WILL make it worse. (Trust me I know), I used a ton of make up in the past just caking my face with powders, and conseiler. I realized it was making it worse and wore a whole lot less of it, althought the first few days with less make up looked pretty bad, over time, I saw improvments. Soon after two weeks I got down to wearing almost no make up to school and no make up on the weekends. Im still working on breaking away from the habit of wearing make up and going with the natural look, because that looks a whole lot better!

Real to FAKE

This photo is a real life picture of a fashion magazine model whos skin isnt the best. They photo shop her face to make it look perfect and UNREALISTIC. Don't look at magazines with women who look like they have perfect skin, and feel insecure about yourself, because most of the time it's not a real pic of their skin

Me being a teenager, acne is a harmonal change in life and is hard to commite to, and control. I tend to smile more, take on new things, and accept my body and it's physical changes, because that brings on our inner beauty, and that will bring out your outer beauty as well. This is me after I decided to bring on my inner and outer beauty.